A Turn in the air

Sal is about her business, her friends, her video games, and some light criminal activity. 

When the criminal activity lands her in hot water, she goes to her tried and true methods, but they all fail her. 

Devon is about his art, his physical therapy, his brother’s well-being, and his teaching. 

When his status in the US is threatened by his tendon injury, he realizes he's going to have to make some hard decisions. 

His solution? A modern marriage of convenience. Protection for Papers. 

When both realize they have way more in common than their friendships and passions, a primal connection threatens to upend everything they thought they knew. 

Can they overcome their past hang-ups and figure out a way forward together?

Content Warning

Primal Kink

Consensual Non-consensual scenes

Mention of Forced Abortion

Mention if Forced Deportation

Mention of violence and murder

Description drug dealing

Family member in prison

Dysfunctional Family dynamics

Mention of past experience of being racially fetishized



